
Pat Morehead featured at IDRS Conference

Pat Morehead featured at IDRS Conference

On Saturday, July 7, 2012 three pieces of mine were performed at the IDRS (International Double Reed Society) conference at Miami U, Oxford, Ohio. The three pieces are: Conversations for oboe and percussion Elegy for English horn and piano Meditation and Exultation (dedicated to Alicia in honor of the Virgin Mary) for solo oboe d’amore Alicia Cordoba Tait, oboe, …

Meditation and Exultation (2012)

Meditation and Exultation (2012)

Patricia Morehead’s newest work is a piece for oboe d’amore solo dedicated to Alicia Cordoba Tait in honor of the Virgin Mary. About Meditation and Exultation – my oboist friend Alicia Cordoba Tait is a Marian scholar at Benedictine University. We are long-time friends (she’s a fine oboist, of course). I am lucky that I …

Pat’s newest work, Metropolis for full orchestra, premiered

Pat’s newest work, Metropolis for full orchestra, premiered

Pat’s newest work, Metropolis for orchestra, was premiered by the Chicago Metropolitan Orchestra (formerly the Chicago Businessmans’ Orchestra), which commissioned the work. The premiere took place under the baton of music director Russell Vinick on Sunday, November 13, 2011, in Gottlieb Hall of the Merit School of Music in Chicago. For information on the orchestra, …

Sempre un giorno nuovo

Pat’s newest composition –“Sempre un giorno nuovo” — was just premiered in Chicago by soprano Henriët Fournie.

Pat speaks at Medieval conference

Pat presented “From the Twelfth Century to the Twenty-First Century on being a Composer” at the conference of the International Society of Medieval Music held May 13-15, 2011 at the University of Western Michigan, Kalamazoo, for the Hildegard von Bingen Society. She has given this popular presentation on several other occasions in the recent past.

Music of Pat Morehead featured in school production

Music of Pat Morehead featured in school production

Portions of Pat Morehead’s Disquieted Souls and Conversations were used during the imaginative stage production of Alice at the Walter Payton College Prep, Chicago, February 2011. The director, Kerry Catlin, had heard the works when they were performed on WFMT by CUBE Contemporary Chamber Ensemble.

A new decade for Pat!

Pat is celebrating her 70th birthyear! Four of her works were performed by CUBE Contemporary Chamber Ensemble in a broadcast on WFMT on January 24, 2011. The pieces performed (click on the name to hear the performance): Music for an Abandoned Warehouse, Alaskan Songs, Conversations, and Disquieted Souls.