Good News Falls Gently (1995) [pdf] voice, fl (alto fl), 2 ob (EH), 2 cl,2 bsn, 1 hrn, 1tr, 2 perc., strings (10”) Poetry by Regina Harris Baiocchi Commissioned by Incontri di Musica Sacra, premiered in Trani, Bari and Rome, Italy The music is a setting of the poetry of Chicago African-America poet/composer Regina Harris …
Voice and orchestra
The Wonderful Musician (1991)
The Wonderful Musician (1991) mezzo, chamber ensemble (picc, fl/alto fl,ob/EH, cl/E-flat cl, bcl, bsn, hn, perc, strings) (17”) Poem by Anne Sexton Premiered by the Contemporary Chamber Players, University of Chicago The Wonderful Musician for mezzo-soprano and chamber ensemble is a setting of the poem of the same name from the collection Transformations by Anne …