
Voyage Across Centuries (2020)

Voyage Across Centuries (2020)

Voyage Across Centuries was commissioned by the North Bay Symphony Orchestra and Maestro Thomas Jones and was funded by the Canada Council to honor the 250th birthday of Beethoven. I decided to combine the histories of the founding of North Bay by explorer and mapmaker Samuel de Champlain and Beethoven, the composer who explored new …

Metropolis for orchestra

Metropolis for orchestra

Metropolis (2011) for Orchestra (14 min.) was commissioned and premiered by conductor Russell Vinick of the Chicago Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra. The composer writes: Metropolis is inspired by several sources. The first movement is motivated by the concept of building an imaginary city and was inspired by a late night viewing of the Fritz Lang silent …

Cityscape (2004)

Cityscape (2004)

Cityscape (2004) for Orchestra (10 min.) was commissioned and premiered by conductor Russ Vinick of the Chicago Businessmen’s Orchestra and is recorded on ERM Media, ERM-6811 by the Kiev Philharmonic, Robert Ian Winston conducting Cityscape is an ode to Chicago, with its skyscrapers and unique skyline —we were the first to build them— the Lake, …