Max Lifchitz to perform Pat’s “Episode”


The National Association of Composers, USA, East Coast Chapter, will present a free concert of chamber music by living American composers, “Spring Serenade,” on Monday, May 9, 2016, at 8PM at the Christ and St Stephen’s Church, 120 W 69th St, New York, NY. The program will include pianist Max Lifchitz performing Patricia Morehead’s Episode in the Life of a Proton, as well as works by Allen Brings, Dinos Constantinides, Edward Dulaney, Debra Kaye, Max Lifchitz and Betty Wishart.

“The creation of “Episode in the Life of a Proton” was inspired by a visit to the Linear Proton Accelerator at Los Alamos, New Mexico. Having been previously fascinated by physics, I had long wished to visit this important project. I was so amazed by the accelerator that I wrote a piece in an attempt to capture the physics of an ever faster moving body that gets heavier and heavier in mass as it approaches the speed of light. I also tried to represent the vacuum tubes that protect the protons from the negative pull of the electron magnet whose postive push propels the protons forward faster and faster. The protons hit a lead wall and are shattered into many even tinier particles that are then led off to the experimenters.” (Pat Morehead)

Performers include Eriko Sato and Deborah Wong, violin, Lois Martin, viola, Marisol Espada, cello, Orlando Cela, flute, and Jery-Mae Astolfi, Allen Brings and Max Lifchitz, piano.