Metropolis (2011) for Orchestra (14 min.) was commissioned and premiered by conductor Russell Vinick of the Chicago Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra.
The composer writes: Metropolis is inspired by several sources. The first movement is motivated by the concept of building an imaginary city and was inspired by a late night viewing of the Fritz Lang silent film Metropolis. The pitch material for this movement is based on a secret code for the name of the orchestra. The second and third movements are based on pentatonic American plains Indian melodies that I have researched for my opera in progress “Black Hawk Speaks” with libretto by Sharon and Richard Carlson. The second movement uses a love theme that Black Hawk might have played on his Indian handmade flute to seduce his wife “Singing Bird”. The third movement portrays my musical concept of the “Corn Dance” as performed by the three sisters, representing corn, beans and squash.
The overall concept of the work, written for the celebration of the 90th Anniversary of the Chicago Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, is building, loving and dancing. It is a celebration of all that is good in mankind’s life span.